domingo, 26 de agosto de 2012

Swedish Massage

Swedish Massage offers a relaxing massage experience which combines both European and Asian techniques. This approach reduces the effects of stress, improves circulation, and encourages an overall feeling of well-being. It is a great way to improve one’s general health and wellness. ½ hour, 1 hour, or longer.

quinta-feira, 23 de agosto de 2012

domingo, 19 de agosto de 2012

Sports Massage

Sports Massage is for anyone who is interested in reducing strain or discomfort sometimes associated with intense physical activity. The primary goal is to help individuals perform their activities at their fullest potential. Weekend warriors, amateur, world-class, and Olympic athletes have been given massage therapy by William sports massage therapists. ½ hour, 1 hour, or longer.

domingo, 12 de agosto de 2012

sábado, 11 de agosto de 2012

sábado, 4 de agosto de 2012


Massage — set of methods of mechanical and reflex effects on tissues and organs in the form of friction, pressure, vibration, carried out directly on the surface of the human body as his hands, and special devices through the air, water or other medium (gel, cream, butter, etc.) in order to achieve a therapeutic effect.

With the help of massage can have an impact on:

nervous system
respiratory system

Therapeutic massage is an effective treatment for various injuries and illnesses.

The impact of massage on the skin

1.Through the skin irritation is transmitted to the central nervous system, which determines the response of the organism and its individual organs.

2.Massage helps to remove from the skin surface obsolete horn cells of the epidermis, which in turn improves the sebaceous and sweat glands.

3.In the process of massage improves blood supply of the skin and eliminates venous congestion.

4.Temperature massaged area increases, and thus accelerated the metabolic and enzymatic processes.

This massage massaged the skin becomes pink and firm due to increased blood flow. After the massage increases skin's resistance to mechanical and thermal influences. When stroking the skin during a massage is accelerated movement of lymph in the lymphatic vessels and reduced congestion in the veins.

These processes occur not only in the vessels, which are massaged on the skin area, but also in adjacent areas. This draining effect of massage due to the decrease of pressure in the vessels massaged. Increasing the skin-muscle tone, massage affects the appearance of the skin, leaving it smooth and supple. Acceleration of metabolism in skin tissues after the massage has a positive effect on overall metabolism in the body as a whole.

The impact of massage on the joints

Articular bag has two layers: the inner (synovial) and outer (fibrous). Synovial fluid released by the inner layer, reduce friction and supports nutrition of cartilage that covers the articular surface of bones. In the depths of the outer layer, or near it are the bunch.

Under the influence of massage improves the supply of the joint and surrounding tissue with blood, accelerates the formation and movement of synovial fluid, and as a result of ligaments become more elastic.

Anatomy of the knee in normal (ligament, meniscus, articular cartilage).

Due to overload and transferred microtraumas in the joints may experience stiffness, swelling, shrinkage of joint capsules, changing the makeup of synovial fluid. With the help of massage leading to improved nutrition of articular tissues, we can not just get rid of these painful events, but also to warn them. In addition, the time spent massage prevents damage to the cartilage, leading to the emergence of arthrosis.

Under the influence of massage can increase range of motion in the hip, shoulder, elbow, intervertebral joints.

The impact of massage on the nervous system

Massage affects the peripheral and central nervous system. When massaging the skin nervous system is the first to respond to mechanical stimulation. In the central nervous system sent a stream of pulses from multiple receptor organs, perceiving pressure, temperature, and various tactile stimulation.

Under the influence of massage in the skin, muscles and joints occur pulses that excite motor cortex cells of the brain and stimulate the activities of the centers.

Scheme of segmental innervation on the surface of the body helps to clarify the localization of neuritis and polyneuritis.

Positive impact of massage on the neuromuscular apparatus depends on the type and nature of massage techniques (pressure hand massage, the duration of passage, etc.) and is expressed in the increasing frequency of contraction and relaxation of muscles and skin-muscle sensitivity. Results of experimental studies have shown that Breaching the nerve recovers quickly, if we carry out regular massage the damaged tissues. Under the influence of massage accelerates axonal growth is slowing down scar tissue formation and resorption are degradation products.

In addition, massage techniques can help reduce pain sensitivity, improve nerve excitability and conduction of nerve impulses along the nerve.

The impact of massage on muscle

Muscles consist of muscle fibers, the main property of which - the excitability and contractility.

After intense physical stress enough ten-massage, not only to restore the original performance of muscles, but also to increase it. Such a reaction of muscle fibers in the massage promotes and irritation of special nerve fibers contained in the muscle bundles.

Localization of the typical pain points in fibromyalgia (muscle pain).

Under the influence of massage in the muscles improves blood circulation and redox processes: the increase in the rate of oxygen delivery and removal of metabolic products. As a result, eliminated feeling stiffness, soreness and swelling of the muscles.

The impact of massage on the respiratory system

Various types of massage of the chest (rubbing and kneading the back muscles, neck, and intercostal muscles of the diaphragm attachment to the ribs) improve respiratory function and relieve fatigue of respiratory muscles.

Regular massage, conducted over a period of time, has a beneficial effect on pulmonary smooth muscle, contributing to the formation of conditioned reflexes.

The main effect of massage techniques, performed on the chest (effleurage, hack, rubbing intercostal spaces), is expressed in respiratory reflex deepening and improving the drainage function of bronchi with the improvement of abduction of phlegm from the lungs.

Types of massage:

sports massage
classical massage
Sports massage

This type of massage is used to improve the functional state of the athlete, his fitness level, decrease fatigue, improve physical performance and prevention of injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. There is a division of sports massage for pre-(mobilization) and recovery.

Preview (mobilization) massage is performed before training (competition). The purpose of pre-massage - training the neuro-muscular system, cardiovascular and respiratory systems, accelerating vrabatyvaemosti, prevention of injuries of the locomotor apparatus. Depending on the nature of work, sport, the mental state of an athlete distinguish soothing and invigorating massage.

Restorative massage is usually done after a great physical and mental exertion. The task of reducing massage is to restore the functional state of an athlete, increase physical performance, the removal of total exhaustion. As a rule, conducted a general restorative massage, at least locally, for example, in the intervals between performances of wrestlers, boxers, gymnasts.

After strenuous exercise, he is gentle in nature, and in the holidays - a deeper massage. Frequency of use of restorative massage depends on the degree of fatigue, the preparation phase and other factors.


Effective treatment for various diseases and injuries is currently the therapeutic massage. Therapeutic massage helps restore normal functioning of the whole organism.

Therapeutic massage is an effective treatment for various injuries and illnesses. Modification of massage therapy vary according to the nature of functional disorders of the body.

Therapeutic massage has its own technique, indications and contraindications:

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system:
massage for scoliosis
massage at the cervico-thoracic osteochondrosis
massage with radiculitis (sciatica)
massage for injuries
massage for sprains knee and ankle joints
massage with stiffness and joint contractures
massage at dislocations
massage fractures of limbs and vertebral bodies
massage in arthritis
massage in deforming arthrosis of the knee (gonarthrosis)
massage in deforming arthrosis of the hip (coxarthrosis)
massage in deforming arthrosis of the ankle
massage in deforming arthrosis of the elbow
stump massage
massage with flat feet

Heart disease:

massage for hypertension
massage at soldier's heart (VSD)
massage for chronic insufficiency of the heart muscle
massage angina
massage for varicose veins
massage with declining heart function
massage for sudden cardiac arrest

Diseases of the nervous system:

massage for intercostal neuralgia
massage with lumbosacral radiculitis (sciatica, neuralgic manifestation of lumbar degenerative disc disease)
massage for neuralgia occipital nerve
massage for trigeminal neuralgia
massage with facial nerve neuritis
massage at the solar plexus neuralgia

Alimentary system:

massage for stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers
massage in diseases of the gall bladder and liver
massage for violations of motor function of the colon
massage hemorrhoids

Respiratory system

Endocrine system

Therapeutic Massage, as a preparatory procedure before the manual therapy, contributes to heating of the muscles, relieve tension, improve microcirculation in the affected areas of soft tissue of the patient.

A list of some common diseases that require medical treatment including the use of massage and manual therapy:

pain in the arm and neck with osteochondrosis
back pain and leg during protrusion and disc herniation
musculo-tonic syndrome (fibromyalgia)
intercostal neuralgia
carpal tunnel syndrome
osteoarthritis of the joints
scapulohumeral periarthrosis

Classical massage

This type of massage - the active agent of disease prevention and care for the body to maintain normal functional state, health promotion. Thanks to the classical massage increases the viability of the organism, increases immunity.